I looked out my window and this is what I saw! I do believe that the miracles

of spring are just around the corner. I had a marble word "HOPE" on the window ledge and I went to see the tree and the "H" fell down to the floor and broke! I thought that is just about the way things are going in my life. Have I lost my hope? Then I saw this beautiful tree that reminded me that life is
truly a beautiful thing! I had to pray and ask the Lord to forgive me for letting "life" bog me down. I have been away from blogging for several days! I have been to the doctor, then to out patient for
Mammogram and Ultra sound. I have two lumps but the radiologist thinks they are not anything to worry about. I thank each one of you for your much needed prayers. With Don going in for his eye surgery in March and then my problems, for some reason it was just more than I could cope with. I felt your prayers and love and I again want you to know how much they were appreciated! I did not know that I was so concerned until I got out of the office and I was emotionally a wreck.

Well, during this time I had tried to bead just to get my head on straight and I started five different projects and this bracelet is the ONLY thing I have been able to finish. (I hate undone projects so I am "
working" to get some of them finished) It is not fun when one has to
work at what they love. This bracelet was a new pattern that I had not tried before but Melissa had made it from the pattern. It turned out so beautifully! I had already had the band done so I took the pattern and adapted it onto the already made peyote band. It has
lots of twists and turns and I love the look of spring. It makes me smile.
The weather here is VERY cold (18-28 degrees at night) so anything that is
spring-ish I am gravitating to for now. The daffodils are up but not in bloom yet. I had gotten several dozen
amaryllis given to me by my next door neighbor and I have six of those in pots upstairs and they are ready to burst. I gave the rest of them to the visitors at our church. How I love spring!!! Don't you? Everything has such new life and energy. We tried to start a fire in the fireplace but the logs had set in the woods in a stack for 12 years and I think it is petrified. It does not burn well and gives off very little heat. (Don had taken out all of the gas logs because they are
soooo expensive.) I wish we had kept the huge piles of wood we burned last fall. Hind sight is 20/20.