Thursday, April 22, 2010

Beading Away

Let me introduce my new friend,
She wore this lovely necklace for the Southern Belle. 
(She taught herself how to bead.) 
She is a seamstress and embroider plus being absolutely gorgeous.  She made the outfit she is wearing with lovely embroidered cuffs and sleeves to match this beautiful necklace!  Incrediable!
Anyway she encouraged me to try the same pattern.

Here are my results....

As you can see I made mine in shades of rose and burgundy and made the rope in a variation of the bead colors. 
The "clasp" catches right at the top of the purse. 
I put a cotton ball inside with my favorite cologne
so I not only look good I smell good too!
Hero had sent me some acrylic flowers awhile back.
  I have been wanting to use in a project so I finished this bracelet  tonight and wanted to share it with you also.
My name for it is "wooly worm" but
it actually looks like a caterpillar. 
I added the lovely flowers to the center of it that Mimi had given me.  (See a couple of posts back.)
I added some gold glass leaves, some beautiful purple crystals in the center of the flowers and a large variety of sizes and textures of beads in shades of purple.
It was a fun piece to design and even more fun to finish.
Thank you so much, Hero, for your lovely gift of the flowers and for the idea of the purse necklace. 
You are such a pleasure to know!

We were working on burning logs and limbs today so I am one tired puppy.  It was a gorgeous spring day with very little wind so we started burning around 10:00AM until 8:00PM.  We have a wooded lot and have not done any clean up in the woods for a couple of years so today was "the day". 
It looks so much nicer, neater, cleaner.  (even the butterflies came by to say they approve!)
Spring has sprung here in Georgia and I am so blessed to have so many lovely flowers to enjoy.  God is so good to me!
Blessings to each and everyone today!
p.s. again I want to thank Hero for her encouragement and her sweet spirit!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Maija was my Tussie Mussie Swap Partner

May Baskets and Tussie Mussie Swap Gifts!

was my swap partner for the May Basket swap. 
We had never met before so this was a double treat.  I met a new blogger that I adore and I got a lovely bunch of gifts too.
I thought this would be a fun thing to participate in as I remember making May baskets and bringing home flowers from the woods and hanging them on my Momma's door each May day.  Even years after I was grown I would always send her May baskets from the local florists.  It was my way of sending her my love and a piece of spring to brighten her day.  So this swap was special in the memories it brought to mind.
 Look at this lovely piece of artwork Maija made for me! 
 I absolutely love love love it, Maija!  It is so gorgeous! 
The antique couples postcard,  the ribbons, flowers, pearls and lovely wrapping is such a beautiful meeting of artistic soul and lover of Vintage items. 
The cone was huge!  I mean huge!  It is a wonderous 30 plus inches long from hanging ribbons to the bottom of the lace covered tip. ( I already had my hubby hang it in the corner just above my computer so that I can enjoy it each day.)   Inside she lined it with lovely sheet music and filled it with all kinds of goodies that I adore.  There were four packs of gorgeous glitters,  antique buttons, ribbons, a precious small peat pot paper basket,  a note card pack, and a pad of paper to help me keep track of my want to do list, There was a cupcake magnent, and the cutest lollipop I have ever seen.  It was made with a lolly stick and wound with the cutest pink/white ribbon cord.  (How cute!)
Look at these beautiful buttons.  The large green one is going to be made into a bracelet right away!  Maija,  Thank you so very very much for my lovely gifts.  It was fun swapping with you and I hope you will enjoy the May basket I sent to you.  It was fun putting it all together and thinking about you during our preparations.  Let's do it again soon!

This all started with Linda at
She comes up with the cutest ideas for swaps.  This is the first time I have done a swap with her group and I had such a good time putting together my May Basket for Maija.
Thank you to Maija and to Linda for coming up with a delightful spring experience!  I am such a happy camper with all my lovely goodies.  Now I have to enjoy my bounty.
If you haven't joined in the swaps it is a wonderful way to get to know some new blogs and a good way to make friends.  Join in soon!  You will love the experience.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Southern Belle's Delight!

Southern Belle's Delight!
I have had one of the most devinely beautiful days that I can remember in a long long time!
I was so busy flitting from person to person that I did not get the photographs I wanted to take.
So I am posting one of all of us. 
If I had only one word to say about today....
I made so many new friends,
heard some wonderful stories,
ate a good lunch with great fellowship,
(Dawn had that "Let's go shopping!" look
so we did not make her teach a class but
NEXT time, Dawn, "you will owe us BIG!")
We shopped until I thought the rocker at the store was my
new permanent place of residence....
have to share a photo of Susan and her husband
She had made this beautiful apron and forgot it at home...her hubby drove all the way home....
brought it back to the restaurant for us to admire. 
Susan, it truly is gorgeous (just like you!)
(There are wonderful husbands
but this one gets the prize of the year!)

We hated parting each others company.
A couple of times I even teared up.
All in all the day was a huge success, from my point of view.
I loved each sweet soul that attended
missed those who could not come.  (Maybe next time...)
I thank each one of you for coming to
make new friends!
Girls,Let's do it again SOON!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Southern Belle's Up-Dates

I am thrilled and nervous about our upcoming
Southern Belle's
get together!  
 I have had several telephone conversations with many of you.  It makes me all the more excited!
Dawn will be teaching a mini class.
I have several commitments on door prizes...
(you should all show up just for the door prizes)
Plus I have been working on several roses, shoes and secrets to hand out. 
1.  I have my gift exchange done and wrapped....check
2.  I have my name tag done, (all but the beads)...check
3.  I have my spare room full of goodies to bring......check
(this picture is compliments of
4.  I have my suitcase packed.....check
5.  My suntan lotion....check
6. Car is packed....check 
7.  Oh, yes, me!  I forgot that I MUST go now.....check
The beach is calling!
I am headed for the beach but wanted to let you know that I will still be planning on
seeing ya' all on
April 10th
Please make it a point to come! 
I am heading for the beach until Thursday but will be back in plenty of time to get all the goodies packed and ready for
The Southern Belle Retreat!
My Grand daughter Kate is watching over my shoulder so I had better get going. 
So until Saturday, be safe, be healthy and be happy on this Easter Day!

Miss Rheas Easter Basket Goodies

I participated in Miss Rhea's Easter Basket Exchange. 
We were to take two yogurt cups and decorate them to exchange with two partners. 
Here is what I received!
Mary of Marys Meanderings sent me this lovely basket with a detachable broach.  She set the cup upon a lid base to raise it up so that she could attach this gorgeous trim to the bottom.  Then she added a rim at the top out of another cup.  She then attached a beautiful rose fabric because she knew I liked roses and pink.  Isn't it beautiful???
Inside of my box from Mary I got a sweet lamb, an egg topped with a pink chick wearing a crown and a silver cross.  There also was a stand alone cross that she made and covered with a sheet of Christian music. 
Look at this cute pink chick!!!  I love it!
Inside of my package was a card and this bees wax lip gloss all decorated with a lovely paper rose.  She has been raising bees and this is only one of the items that she is coming up with. 
Thank YOU, Mary for the sweet Easter items.  They are so full of love and faith that it is hard to explain how precious they are.

The very same day,  Bertie of Aunt Mays Cottage sent me her lovely swap basket.
We were only to include five things in our packages to our partners.
Bertie made my basket from the same yogurt cup idea but hers was covered with another pink rose fabric, plus darling handmade fabric roses that was topped with a beaded handle.  (Of course she knew I was a beader and loved roses!)  Isn't it wonderfu!  The basket sets on a small doily and was filled with chocolate eggs, Easter chocolate bunnies and this sweet wooden spool of antique rose trim.

It came with these lovely tags and a beaded key chain.  (love that!) Plus a hand made, hand stamped ribbon that is about an inch wide.  (I am so sorry that I did not get a picture of it)
It had this sweet little girl card that moves to put her hat away. 
Last but not least it contained this antique post card that belonged to her family!Thank you so much Bertie!  I love each and every item that you so thoughtfully put into my package.
 It is such a pleasure meeting you and Mary through Miss Rheas Easter Basket Exchange.Thank you so much for the reminder that our Savior has Risen and that HE IS LORD!
Happy Easter, every single one of you in blogland.
Sorry for the quick post but the girls are setting in the car waiting for the trip to the beach.
Blessings to all!