Sunday, May 23, 2010

I can not believe where this month has gone!

Has anyone noticed that I have not been around lately?
Guess what I have been up to???
Yep, beading, of course!
I thought I would show you a "few things" I have
whipped up this last couple of weeks.....
First is my favorite piece. 
This pattern is called Butterflies Galore by Susan Mandel.
Her pattern is a continous flow of butterfly wings but I also like the peyote base so that the Ravoli flower really stands out.
What do you think? 
I sold my other one like this so I had to make another.

Second Bracelet
May Brisebois designed this pattern! 
It is called the Celestial Sparkle!  Isn't it gorgeous?  I used three colors of Ravoli Swarvoski Crystals then used netting to end off the bracelet for comfortable wearing.  The "catch" is an antique piece I picked up and this seemed the perfect piece to use on this beauty.
May is a local Georgian in Cummings.  I have bought numerous bargains from her shop and did not make the connection that she was "our May".  I love the ravolis and the way she incorporated Swavoski crystals in between the Ravolis.
Necklace wonders!
This is a new pattern that I made very first one! 
(I do not believe there are ANY new patterns, just ideas
taken from one detail and added to another.) 
This necklace was inspired by Venetia Perry's "Enchanted Necklace" from Beadwork Magazine.  Her pattern called for "bead crochet" but I don't know how to do that so I used
a herringbone design instead.  
Both of these necklaces were made from the same pattern.  
Don't they look different?
The first one is so sparkly and glitters when the sun hits it because of the Swarvoski crystals and the beautiful hex cut beads. 
The teal is such a beautiful fresh look with the pearls and the
Turquoise stone piece......and then the third bracelet.....
Another match.
What do you think? 
Fifth Bracelet
I have a sweet friend, Jimmie Boatright, that just started teaching beading a year or so ago at
Atlanta Bead Market. 
She made the patchwork squares done up with beautiful bright  blues and a vintage colbalt rectangle crystal in the centers. 
All I had were some kelly green ravoli crystals so that is what I used.  It is not a good picture but the greens are matt teals with kelly greens. 
Another Necklace Purse
Hero had this sweet purse at the Southern Bells get together so I HAD to make this  pattern!  I made the one in pinks and then decided to make it in my (presently) favorite colors.
Sixth Bracelet!
I had gotten some "helix" crystals from China.
I just "had" to do something with them. 
This was my attempt at bronze colors.
I am more of a teal/pinky/rose girl so this was a stretch for me.
I do like the way it turned out!

There are four more pieces
but I don't want to bore you so that is all for now...
(plus I don't have the photos

I have missed catching up on all of you but one can only do so many things in a day/night....on Friday I started beading at 3:00pm and found myself shocked when I heard the birds chirping at 8:30AM!!!  I had not even noticed that the sun was peeking out above the trees.
(now all I have to do is sell some of my pieces so I can continue to make new pieces and support my habit!!!)
Thank you for all of your concerns for my hubby.
It seems in the fall or sometime he did something to his back and he walks like a man of 90 now. 
(OF COURSE he won't go to the doctor so I have been babying him some but I don't want him to get to used to it!!! lol)
I MUST check out some of your posts but I have one more thing to tell you....
I went to work at a real honest to goodness job!
Yep!  A Paying job!
(now that will be a new
I now work one day a week
one Saturday a month at
On The Rocks!
(I changed the window to sunny

And here is my boss!
Donna is a delight to work for
I get to handle all of those lovely beads
and meet new beading friends!  
I am lovin' it!!  Stop in and bead with me anytime! 
So now you know where I have been...I have missed you ALL but will get back in the swing of things again soon.
Blessings to you all.  You are an important part of my whole being.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

73 year old man drowns in 17 inches of water!

This has NOT been a good week.  On Mother's Day my sweet daughter and family came to cook our Mothers day celebration.  I was in a funk because I miss my Mommy so much this year!  Us girls were setting on the patio enjoying all of our lovely fish swimming in the ponds.   We were relaxing while my son in love was cooking steaks, shrimp, mushrooms and turkey burgers.  My hubby was taking a minute to "relax" and clear the motor to our fish ponds.  We HAD 23 large goldfish that were showing off their stuff.  Us girls were watching him pull the motor to clean it.  He leaned in to the pond to "clean" the motors.  He kept sliding into the pond.  His feet were fixed on the ground, toes in the soil.  But he kept going deeper.  I yelled,  "what are you doing!!!!"  No response....Honey, what in the world are you doing?  NO response... his head was underwater while feet planted on the bank....TROUBLE, BIG TROUBLE!!!  I began to jump and run for the pond.... full daugher, went for the middle of his body.... I held his head above water and pushed with all my might to set him on shore.  Melissa went under water and lifted his mid section to the bank (four feet high)  I pushed and shoved to get him out of the water.  He was out help from the drowning one.  After we got him on shore he made NO sense.  Panic set in...strouk,  passing out, no communication!!!!  "Oh, Lord, please please please help my hubby!!!!"  He finally "came too" and kept saying he had to MOVE!  I kept saying set still until you feel better....he finally said.  "you have put me on a sharp rock and my butt is on a sharp rock...I must move NOW!"  All I could think was, I can't live without my rock, the man who keeps me going, my friend, my pal.......
Later, embarassed and uncomfortable, He said
"I can just see the head lines....
73 year old man drowns in 17 inches of water!"

The doctor has been in contact...blood work done...a fluke maybe...I am shook!!!  I love that old man and am NOT ready to be through with our life together!  I can't wrap my brain around being without this gentle man/   PLease please keep us in your prayers.  I am not the nerves are shot..I am scared...I need God's peace once again.  I need your prayers.  I feel so insecure..
love, sharon

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Maggie, oh where has she gone????

(Photo courtesy of Magic Moonlight)
OUR Maggie
has had an accident and needs our love! 
She has delighted us with
stories of Ms. Pearl
her adventures at the jail
and  her lovely farm.
I have laughed until I have cried.
I have been Maggie's follower and friend since her
very first post.
She is a lady with a great sense of humor
 and is a
bright shining light
in this world of negatives.
Her daughter, Christi, has posted that
Maggie has had an accident at work!
Christi is taking care of her
Mom while she is recuperating. 
I thought  you would like to know about her. 
Maybe you would want to take a second or two and
drop "our Maggie" a love note
of encouragement and cheer. 
I love this lady!
I wish her my very
best wishes,
during her recovery.
"Blessings to you, Maggie,
I am sending you all my love.
Let us have all the details as soon as you are up to it!
You are missed by so many,
especially ME"