Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nothing but net

"Nothing but Net"

I am finally finished ! I love netting but it takes so very long. I hope you can see the touch of gold with a beautiful peach "Charlotte" cut bead. Oh, yes and it is reversible!!! The front side that I have pictured is a lovely creamy pearl then on the reverse side it is more peachy with gold accents. (Sorry that I forgot to take a picture of the reverse but the sun went down way to fast.) If you would right click on the picture it will enlarge so you can see the details. Don't you think this looks like something from Queen Victoria's jewels? It is so feminine sweet. Too girly for some ladies but definitely romantic stuff! I stopped counting at 18 hours that I put into this creation. The seed beads are tiny and it is difficult to get the fireline through the last few passes. The "catch" is made of antique buttons and I made it for a small or larger wrist by leaving out the creamy pearls in the last two rows. I did not want to buy a hard catch for the closer because the bracelet just lends to a softer look. I am really pleased at the outcome! Now I am anxious to move onto something without a pattern for my next piece.

Today I took my hubby to get his eyeballs measured. All went well except they told him that they would not operate on the second eye until April. We don't have a clue about this surgery so we had to ask anyway. Dahhh! We just thought while he was healing or whatever he may as well do them both at the same time. Sounds reasonable? He will not go in for the first surgery until March 25th and has to go for post-op the next day. Thank you for those who have had him in their thoughts and prayers today! We need all the prayers we can get, don't we? We went to Costdo to get the drops to put in the eye and when the man said $73.00 we could not believe it. $73.00! Thank the Lord that they gave him the other two perscriptions at the doctors office! They, of course, were out of the most expensive one. Anyway, thank you for your kind words. God bless you all!


  1. Hi Sharon,
    Your beading magic is unbelievable. I just came over from Lynns Lovelies to see your blog. I have always been impresed by beading, as I tried it and failed, and my eyes are not as good at they once were. I think your prices are very reasonable as the hours must be long, and beads are not cheep. These pieces are just beyond beautiful. Have you tried galleries?
    Blessings in your day!

  2. What lovely things to say!!! Bless you! I never once thought that a year ago I would be beading. I am so pleased that you think my work is beautiful.
    What do you mean by galleries? Is there such a thing as a beading gallery?


Your comments make me love blogging! Thank you for showing me that there are people out there who appreciate what I create. Please keep your comments coming. They make my day!!! Sharon