Monday, March 16, 2009

Serendipit-Us surprises!

My lovely new friend, Kimberly (Serendipit-Us) sent me a box of wonderful goodies!!! I have enough beads to make something spectacular, don't you think! I spent all day taking apart, tubing beads, color coordinating, filing them with my treasures and just having a ball all by myself. It is rainy outside but definitely sunshine in my art room. Thank you, dear one for all of the pleasure you brought to my day! I promised her I would make her something special from whatever she sent so I must get busy about my business.

Also Kimberly bought my copper and pearl necklace! I thought I would give you a second look before it was lovingly boxed up and sent to CT. The yellow flower is made from coffee filters! I have made several dozen of them and gave them for gifts over the last year. If you have not seen how they are made just check out Martha Stewarts web sight for a video and pattern. At one time I had them in every color hanging all over the house. The watercolor mixes into the filter beautifully. I am able to make them variegated and in a huge variety of colors because they are painted with simple watercolors. I found out that the white watercolors are the most expensive ones and I use them as a base coat on each flower. (It makes the color of the flower more believable)
Then I got busy and covered an eye glass case to hold necklaces/gifts/stuff. I am going to look at Goodwill or Value Village to see if I can get any second hand cases. I went to Walmart and they were as high as $7.00 each! Ouch! So the second hand stores is the only way to go unless you steal your hubbys. He broke his glasses Sunday before last and can't see anyways. (He will have to get new glasses after his surgery on March 25th/I guess he will have to wait until his second surgery in April?) Do you like the way the case turned out? It is okay for the first one. The fresh water pearl and Swarvoski crystal necklace was finished last night. The pearls are a lovely soft shade of pink that I dearly loved. I will take a picture closer up soon and highlight it for you to see the details.
Well, enough for now. I am so glad you stopped in and took a look at my little projects.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sharon, you sis receive alot of beauties from Kimberly!!
    Love the fileter roses!! Will have to check out Martha Stewart's site for the how-to's..
    You case turned out soo pretty~~good luck with the search for more cases...



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