Tuesday, August 25, 2009

NEWS TIP OF THE DAY! Bargains are out there!

This is going to be quick! I just wanted to tell all of you out there that Office Max had the Composition Journals on sale this week for 50cents each!!! I bought 18 more...(even though the manager said I had to be a teacher) I sweet talked him into letting me buy a few more than the six limit. FYI... I could have gone to my car and come back three times but that seemed silly to me. So I had the clerk run them up on three separate tickets. (there is almost always a way around their systems) He just laughed...I'm happy and he made three sales today!
I have attached one of the little girls that I used on the journals. Would you like more of them????
It is getting late and I want to get to bed so I can go bead tomorrow...Thanks for stoppin' in!
P.S. My hubby asked tonight if I thought anyone would use them. I think/hope so but I told him that "it is the thought that counts."


  1. Sharon, I just showed my husband your site ... he sets gemstones and strings pearls ... more as a hobby than anything else. I wanted him to see the journals ... but his eyes went to the jewelry! Anyway ... just wanted to tell you again that what you are doing is wonderful!


  2. I love the image of the little girl and the squirrel.

    You have got to open an Etsy shop so you can sell all your lovely creations!


  3. Wow what a price, thanks for sharing. The journals are beautiful. I second that you need to open an Etsy shop. Have a great day..Kathi

  4. Great prices on them Sharon! Thank you for sharing the info.

    Have a wonderful week.
    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  5. What a deal Sharon and your idea is sooo sweet- giving them to hospital patients. Bless your heart. Your jewelry that you are making is awesome. These days my eyes get tired. I hate that but I think that is what we pay for this hobby.
    Your jewelry is just priceless. Keep up the good work- Dita

  6. precious pics, and what a great deal, Sharon!!



  7. Rushed right down and got some.

    barbara jean


Your comments make me love blogging! Thank you for showing me that there are people out there who appreciate what I create. Please keep your comments coming. They make my day!!! Sharon