Thursday, March 4, 2010

How I am getting in the Spring Mood...

We had SNOW yesterday! 
Snow in Georgia is rare but snow this time
of the year never happens. 
It is forecasted to be 70 degrees on Sunday!
Go figure!
I am just waiting for the daffodils to bloom and
the sun to come out to stay!
I have been having some physical problems that have required my going to the doctors several times the last couple of weeks.
  I already have cabin fever but this is
 NOT my idea of getting out to have fun.
So my idea is to make spring in my home.
I had entered Ms. Rhea's Easter Basket swap and thought I would make a couple of extras while I was at it.
I made the pretty rose basket first.
This one spoiled me!
It started with some yogurt cups, via Ms. Rhea's instructions.
"It must contain a yogurt cup"
(Please note the banner on the side bar)
I had never bought yogurt before so I sent my hubby to the store to buy several yogurts.  He came back with strawberry flavors.
He said, "If you are planning on feeding that to me, forget it!"
So I snuck it in on
I had frozen strawberries from our garden, added that to vanilla pudding and added the yogurt.
Walla!  He ate it all... until he figured out what I had done.
He said, "This is Not too bad"

Now that I had the mess from making numerous baskets
I decided to decorate some eggs. 
(I used napkin rings for the holders.) 
What do you think?  
They are so EASTER! 

Now for the things NOT to do...
Don't start covering a arubic cube at 12:00AM!
I started off cutting the little squares...
I got one whole side done when it dawned on me to leave the picture whole then just cut in between. 
but NOT much.
It took me four hours!  Four hours!
Why, you ask?
Because you can't leave any paper in the cracks.  It won't turn otherwise.  Whoever gets this one you better believe
I like them, alot!!
I am just kidding.  I was planning on four pictures. 
There are six sides to a cube...dahhh.
 It just dawned on me when
I only had four pictures 
 (I am blond when it comes to math..)
 It was fun but I am not sure if I will ever do another one.
Well, friends, I am not thinking about winter today. 
I am thinking SPRING!

The mail lady brought me a lovely package
Nancy of Notes and News
sent me another package from the OWOH giveaways.
The package contained the tinyest & loveliest book of
Shakespeare "Sonnets" . 
 Isn't it the cutest little book? 
I am going to leave my computer and just read for a while....
Plus Nancy made me this pretty book mark to go with the book. 
Thank you so much, Nancy!  I love them both!
Have you been over to see her beautiful blog?
I want one of her precious hand made bunnies!!!  Her designs vary from Easter bunnies to buggies to Victorian Cones.  I can clearly see her humor in all of her delightful creations.  They are all so sweet and SO SPRING!
Thank you again, Nancy for the gifts.
Blessings to all,
Spring is just around the corner??


  1. I'm so happy you like the book and bookmark, Sharon, and thanks so much for your kind words.

    The eggs you decorated are just beautiful! You're right, Spring can't be far off, can it?!

    It's always a pleasure to stop by your blog - lots of eye candy and things to make me smile!!



  2. Sharon ~ Oh my goodness, you have made some beautiful items! The baskets are just exquisite; the eggs are fabulous; and the cube is amazing!! I can see that the cube would be more work (you poor thing)but it is so pretty and sweet and Eastery - just love it!

    You have really been creating up a storm. Please be sure to take really good care of yourself and I'll say a little prayer for you regarding your health. God bless you, Sweet One....

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  3. Sorry to hear you had the doctor visits Sharon hope you are feeling better.
    You are way ahead of me with Easter I love the rose basket and the eggs are beautiful, how talented you are. I used to paint birds on eggs many moons ago.I am full of spring inspirations now, have started with the early spring Camellias that grow in my garden, just put a new piece on the blog. Your heart should be arriving soon I think.

  4. Hi Sharon.. Your little projects are so sweet... Ahhh Spring..... I can't wait...

  5. Hi Sharon,
    Thank you so much for the totally beautiful greeting card and bookmark, what a talent you are!!! I will treasure it always.
    What a wonderful post,,I am catching up a bit from unpacking by emailing and blog surfing,,which I am so behind in. I am ready for spring too!

  6. Sharon,
    The baskets are very pretty. The eggs are great!!!!!!

  7. What is WITH winter this year?!? We've had snow and ice in NC much more than in previous years. "Winter, I am SO over you... here's your hat, and there's the door."

    Your answer to get the springie mood is just the ticket. LOVE those pretty Easter eggs. :)


  8. The book & bookmark are wonderful! I love all your easter projects--the eggs are just gorgeous!

    Spring seems far away here in NY, too, so we have to just make our own Spring--you did a fabulous job!

  9. Your talent never ceases to amaze me! Just beautiful creations!

  10. Hey could you please send me just a fraction of your energy?? LOL!!
    Wow all of your photos look fantastic and the art wonderful!!!


  11. Sharon, These are so wonderful! I love them! Busy night and day today, the kids are not coming home this weekend~ they are going to JD's home. He was mugged last night at his apartment. He was on the phone with Whit and she heard he was in trouble. Her and her roomies jumped in the car, called the police, went to his apartment (about 3 minutes away) and when they drove up they scared the three attackers away. The police caught one. JD is beat up pretty bad, but he will be fine. He had to have stitches in his lip and his nose is broken. Surgery hopefully before the wedding. I will try to get with you next week.
    Love you,

  12. I wanted to let you know some big news. My blog has moved to
    Please come over and RE-SIGN UP to follow me at the new site. Google does not allow you to take your followers. If you have already found the new site-sorry for the confusion. (Some don't have links set up so I can't see their blog, plus going back and forth between the 2 blogs...) I am trying to go back and forth between the old blog and the new, while I am getting through all my followers. I am super close to closing down my old blog.
    I also have a new give-a-way that started yesterday.

  13. You are ready for Spring - the eggs are beautiful, which is another reason why I've nominated you for a Sunshine Blog Award, you can pick it up over on my blog here:

    You've got an awesome, and entertaining blog! Congratulations!

  14. Hi Sharon,
    I have a Sunshine Award for you on my blog.


  15. HI Sharon sorry I haven't been by in awhile! I can't believe you have your baskets done for rhea's swap already you are too much for words! I mean that in a good way like FANTASTIC!
    luvs and glitter

  16. Oooooh, love that little cube! What a cute idea.

  17. Hi Sharon,
    Oh, how I am looking forward to Spring! We have had so much rain here, I know we need it but I am so ready for warmer weather & sunny skies! :)
    Well it sure feels like Spring here on your beautiful blog! Oh, your pink ribbon Rose is so stunning as well as your baskets for Miss Rhea's swap and your precious Easter eggs!!! :) Oh my goodness, that cube is just wonderful also!! It does look like it was a lot of work for you, but it turned out so beautiful!!
    I am so sorry to hear that you have had so many doctor visits and I'm hoping you are feeling much better.
    Take good care of yourself dear Sharon~
    Hugs, Carol Anne

    p.s. I just love all of the gorgeous giveaway gifts you sent and can't stop looking at them...thank you again so very much dear Sharon! :)

  18. Your eggs and Rubic's Cube is adorable. Wow, it really looks labor intensive. I was reading your blog and see you made a haul during the OWOH giveaway. Wasn't it fun?

    I found you because of Carol Anne. She is such a doll and she deserved your wonderful giveaway because she gives back so much to this blogging community.


Your comments make me love blogging! Thank you for showing me that there are people out there who appreciate what I create. Please keep your comments coming. They make my day!!! Sharon