Saturday, September 4, 2010

Christmas is just around the corner?

Can you believe it is about that time already?? 
Where did April-September go? 
I have begun the first of my annual Christmas decorations.
Doing double duty, I am working on a class project too...
I have a couple of others going but this one is the most completed one, so far.  This one took me quite a while but writing the directions will take me hours!  (Writing directions/patterns is the hardest and most tedious part of my job.) 
How are YOU doing on your projects?

Here are some pieces I did last year.
(I can't find the others that I finished and gave away for gifts last year.)  They are not much inspiration for my upcoming projects.  So I am on the hunt for some clever...quick...easy and inexpensive beading gifts.  Any ideas for me?
I hope you all are having a beautiful and safe Labor Day!
I'm off now and on the hunt for inspiration...
Blessings all,


  1. OMG where has the year gone! I can't believe it is almost that time of year again to drag out the Christmas decorations. It seems as though we just put them in the attic:)

    Enjoy your day with your inspirations! These ornaments are so beautiful!


  2. Beautiful work Sharon!

    The holidays will be here before we know it!


  3. wow, Sharon!! awesome decorations! heres the flower you wanted to see finsiihed, i sent it off to my friend, here it is on her blog.. scroll down

  4. these christmas ornaments are fabulous!! so is all your work!!
    thanks for visiting my blog.


Your comments make me love blogging! Thank you for showing me that there are people out there who appreciate what I create. Please keep your comments coming. They make my day!!! Sharon