Saturday, March 30, 2013

Super Duo Time and Ethics???

I recently found on Pinterest that also had a pattern out there!!  I honestly had not seen her pattern before I made mine.  Does that make it unethical to teach it?  I made up the pattern myself, had my own idea and so did she.....Today I taught the pattern to six women that loved their pieces! 
Does anyone else ever run into this?  
Have you ever had an idea, made the piece and found that someone in Europe, Russia, or anywhere in the world,  also had the same idea? 
 I try very hard to NEVER teach anything to anyone, under my name, if someone has a pattern out there  unless I get the designers permission.  (That is ethical.)  With so many beautiful artists, so many gorgeous new projects and so many beads it is hard to not run into the same idea the same time.  There is not a single beader out there that "owns" herringbone, peyote, brick or ladder stitches, etc. as it has been in existence since the beginning of time.  We are blessed with "professional & qualified" teachers (of which I am truly thankful for), there are beautiful books and we learn new ideas of connecting and designing so the world of beading increases in knowledge.  In that "increase of knowledge" we have our own twists, colors and beads that are unlimited.  
I try so hard, (for my own ethical soul) to give credit where credit is due.  IF I have made anything that comes close to another designers pattern I never done it intentionally. 
I guess I need to grow a thicker skin....
I would love to hear YOUR input.


  1. It's a tubular peyote rope, just with special beads, so if anyone gives you flack for it, they are clearly in the wrong. I don't teach, so I haven't had this problem myself. I have seen a couple of patterns in magazines that are almost the same as something I've done before it was published, and that has nagged me a bit. But those were also very simple things, so it's more than reasonable to assume there was no copying going on. Just stings a bit that theirs is in a mag and mine isn't ;-)

    Beautiful pieces!

  2. My beading has been talking about this issue for over a year.
    I have seen several beader's come up with essentially the same pattern at nearly the same time using nearly the same beads! It is especially more prevalent when new beads come out and everyone is working to come up with inventive ways of using them.
    However, that's no reason not to go on a teach something you have designed as well. I think that this will continue to be an issue with so many experienced beader's who use the traditional stitches with a few modifications.
    Keep up the good work Sharon, it is absolutely beautiful.

  3. Sharon, that is gorgeous! You know you did not copy it and that's all that matters! Any good beader could look at any piece and figure out how to make it as well, so you did nothing wrong. I saw this piece at Bead Bayou and will take one of your next classes! Let me know when?
    Marcy Antle

  4. Very beautiful piece! I think its nice coincidence, that someone in Czech made same thing as you did.
    I hope you doing great, I just thought I to say hi, I's been a while since I visited your blog last time.

    Alice (from Czechn R.)

  5. Very beautiful piece! I think t's nice coincidence to make something as someone on the other side of the world in Czech.
    I hope you doing great, I just wanted stop by to say hi. It's been long tome since a visited at the store.

    Alice (Czech R.)

  6. Sharon, I love your work. I am new at beading just a year into it and I have also did some designing and I have no idea if someone has done my pattern before. I just love to create and if someone in this big world out here has all ready done mine before good for they. I say that all good minds work together. I will one day teach and will use my patterns.I would never copy someone if I know it but I can't afford to do a copyright check on every pattern out there. I would rather be beading. Keep up the good work of inspiring all of us new beaders.

  7. I think that it's fine to make something with a basic stitch like tubular peyote. there is no one person out there who invented that particular stitch. using different beads will always make it look different from someone elses work. As long as you don't copy someone elses work exactly and say that it's your design, go for it! I want to sell jewelry on Etsy and have bought patterns from Etsy. I will always give credit to the original designer of the pieces I make. BTW-- I love you work!

  8. It is a beautiful piece made from a common technique, I don't see how anyone could think otherwise. Do you have a tutorial on this? I am new to beading and would love to purchase a tutorial to make this rope style necklace. Please contact me at if you have one for sale or a website to order it.
    Linda M

  9. I had made a peyote bracelet a month ago and just a day ago or so a friend sent me a picture of a very similar bracelet made in east Europe as well. As it is just a peyote stitch with different size beads there are no copyright violations as no one can claim peyote as a design but I just thought I would share, it is bound to happen. I love the peyote tube with the duos, very nice!

  10. I just had this happen too. I made a peyote bracelet using different sized beads, kinda like Cellini spiral only flat. I had a friend contact me a day or so ago and she found a pattern very close to mine from Eastern Europe, it is bound to happen. Love the superduo peyote rope, very cool!
    Happy beading

  11. There is no way any one person can claim to own the copyright to such a simple design as a beaded rope. Especially when new beads come out as someone said earlier, there are bound to be duplicate designs. What you can own copyright to is your written tutorial of that design. There can be more than one written version of, say, Peyote stitch and each person owns the copyright to the Peyote tutorial that they wrote. Therefore, you own your tutorial of your new beaded rope tutorial and should be very proud of the design you came up with, regardless of what went on before. Happy teaching!

    Sharon Mc

  12. There is no way any one person can claim to own the copyright to such a simple design as a beaded rope. Especially when new beads come out as someone said earlier, there are bound to be duplicate designs. What you can own copyright to is your written tutorial of that design. There can be more than one written version of, say, Peyote stitch and each person owns the copyright to the Peyote tutorial that they wrote. Therefore, you own your tutorial of your new beaded rope tutorial and should be very proud of the design you came up with, regardless of what went on before. Happy teaching!

    Sharon Mc

  13. Hey Sharon~~~
    I think you do need thicker skin...right on that beading needle finger....
    You rock the bead follow your wonderful gift, and heart!
    We all love your art!


Your comments make me love blogging! Thank you for showing me that there are people out there who appreciate what I create. Please keep your comments coming. They make my day!!! Sharon