Monday, March 23, 2009

The Rest of the Story?

"What is this", do you say? My cranberry "button" from the church window that I spoke about on my last post. I wanted to show you a part of what I go through to make a piece of embroidery jewelry. (Just in case you are interested) I started off with the button.

Here is the button in process next to a bottle of finger nail polish so that you can get a prospective of how big the button is. If you notice you can see the beading thread through the button:
Then I have to put a foundation for the button to rest upon until I get to the beading. (I made this one up.) I cut out the hole for the button to rest in. Well, I nixed that and decided to back it with white because it makes the red pop. If I had done it in black the button would have changed to a much darker shade than I wanted. Next comes the fun part. Well, I have worked all day & into the night creating something that my big sis would love. Black and red and gold. It is all done BUT I need natural light to photograph it. I tried to catch it with the spots but it did not come out even close to the true deep red. So this blog will be continued again tomorrow. I think it will be worth the wait! So tune in again tomorrow for "the rest of the story."
Thank you for your patience..... Sharon

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what it looks like when you're finished!!! Sis should be HAPPY~~~I know I would be!!! You do beautiful work!!! Blessings, Deborah


Your comments make me love blogging! Thank you for showing me that there are people out there who appreciate what I create. Please keep your comments coming. They make my day!!! Sharon