I am finally back at it!
I have been so busy with the Journals of Love, A Beautiful Life, & my Christmas albums that I have not been beading lately. (Way too many irons in the fire!) This week I have been beading once again. It feels so wonderful to be back creating my passion again. The above picture is a necklace that Jimmie Boatwright created. (She is a friend that I met at Hobby Lobby then again at the Atlanta Bead Company. We became fast friends and continue to keep in contact through beading.)
Jimmie has become a teacher and is creating way above my level already. She designed this lovely "Cleo". I am in love! I just had to make it! The necklace I am working on is three fourths done. Guess what happened.... I ran out of the size 15 bead. I did not know that it takes three tubes of the tiniest beads to complete this project. Well, I got all the the center and one half of the tassel part completed. I used every bead I had in a wonderful soft gold. Now what do I do??? I usually get my beads from Artbeads but this particular size and color came from a friend that I bead with, Deb. (I have written an email to her promising her anything I have in trade for just enough beads to finish.) I am such an impatient person. I wanted to complete it NOW! But once I get it finished I will have to show you what a stunning design piece.
I usually get together with my first bead teacher, BJ Kahn. She does such stunning pieces and has patiently guided me through each piece. I have learned brick, peyote, ladder, Russian Spiral, and numerous other stitches from BJ.
This week I just could not pass up the class that Jimmie was teaching. She developed this pattern all by herself. Isn't it Divine? For some it may be a wee bit much, but for me.....I think it is fabulous!
I have been working on more Christmas ornaments. I finished one this evening but I have a feeling my tree will have a very limited amount of my hand beaded ornaments this year. They are a lot of work (several hours and alot of beads are involved) but they are turning out beautifully.
We are having company this weekend so I just wanted to stop in and tell you that I am still around. Beading, around and around....lol
Have a wonderful week of creating beautiful works of art!
I would love to hear what you personally think of the necklace that I am working on....
Blessings to you, dear blogger buddies.