I found a bead store going out of business!
Big mistake.
I put off going until the last day it was open....
my hubby told me to take my credit card....
(When hubby okays it and even gives me the credit card, ya' know
I am NOT going to come home empty handed!)
Okay, I know I have gone pink nuts!
I found this beautiful antique rose metallic galvanized bead.
(I can not show or tell you how lovely this bead is.)
It is SOOOOO Victorian and so ME!
This necklace is done with a right angle weave with four size 11's/three rows wide and
a tiny size 15 light gold bead in between each bead.
Pearls just had to be added!
It just fell together just like it was always "supposed to be made" into something this beautiful.
Actually this bracelet was the first thing I made.
I started with a metal ear ring and added pearls with the size 15 tiny gold bead.
The "flower" just needed more punch so I began to add leaves from a rosey gold delica.
You can see the larger veins that I made with tiny gold beads but I actually added veins with several darker shades when I originally made the leaves but they just did not show up as good as I would like. So I topped it off with the size 15 lighter bead. I then added pearls and Swarvoski crystals to the center of the bracelet, then added another four rows to complete the base form.
What do you think? It is so very comfortable and unique.
Again I used the same beautiful pink galvanized beads! This bracelet is made with a larger twisted "bugle" bead and accented with the
pink bead on the sides and a peyote in the center.
Then I began to add a variety of sizes, shapes and colors of pearls and crystals
until I was satisfied with the shape of the "flower" cluster.
I told you I had been busy beading!
One more piece to show you.....
For quite a while, I have had this pin bar that wanted my attention.
(I am a jewelry collector of
The pin has a lovely tiny china rose in the center.
From the center bar I hung this gentle cameo. I did a bead embroidery around the cameo.
Did you notice that the side with the curtain is a different color and
texture of bead than the right hand side?
I used a stunning stone like multi colored pink finish bead for the right side and a
soft matte rose on the left where the curtain hangs.
Now I have a broach to wear or sell that is unique and very pretty/feminine.
(This is the only piece I have made recently that I did not use that galvanized pink. ....)
Well, that is it for now.
I'm tired so I am headed for bed.
Tomorrow I will try to get a post to you about the Easter Basket Swap that I participated in.
Blessings to all,